The 21st century may be the best time to be alive. Socially, by just signing up to a few social media platforms, the world is your oyster. If you would rather garner knowledge and enjoy the beauty of the world by reading books, you don’t even need to go to the library anymore, from the comfort of your bedroom, millions of books are accessible to you at your finger tips. Becoming a millionaire is much more possible for many thanks to fields like STEM research, fintech, content creation and the list goes on. In short, the world is pregnant with possibilities.

Despite all these seemingly easy methods of communication, I am faced with one major issue; starting and ending an instant messaging session.

According to the letter writing format I was taught in my childhood, be it for formal or informal letters, there was a clear way to start the letter, a clear motive for writing and a clear way to end the letter. 

When came the SMS era, there was some decadence in these formats. Short hand was the main change. But even then, one had a clear way of starting, the reason for the text and the popular sign off ‘XOXO’. 

But instant messaging sure is a game changer, but there are no norms facilitating clear communication. An example would be;



You good?

Yep. You?

Cool, cool!

Seriously…. What kind of communication is this? Fun fact is, many people don’t limit this kind of aimless texting to their peers. They also message their bosses, teachers, superiors or people deserving of some respect in this way. Why would you message a teacher saying ‘hey’ and expect them to answer?

Personally, unless we are as thick as thieves, or seemingly as thick as thieves, I will not be replying a ‘hey’ message. I think ‘hey’ is rude to someone with whom you are not acquainted or friendly. For Pete’s sake, a simple ‘good morning’ like mere mortals say is a good start.

I would prefer you write;

‘Good morning. I trust you are well. I was wondering if you might have some time later to glance through this document I wrote. Thank you’

The essence of this format goes thus; 

Greetings, reason, gratitude.

Not many people would use the time on their hands replying an aimless ‘hey’ and engaging in aimless conversations. Be a little more specific henceforth.

Next issue for me will be how to end an instant messaging session. You know that awkward moment when you have finished buttressing all the issues you had on your mind, but you don’t know how to end the conversation in a proper manner. You feel if you bid the person goodbye just like that via text it will be rude? Yes, I have been there myself, more times than I can remember. Over the years, I have given serious thought on how to end an instant messaging session without making it feel to awkward and exchanging ‘okay’ countless times.

Ending an instant messaging session is very important because sometimes when you don’t end one well or at all, there might be misunderstandings down the line. Misunderstandings like ‘you left on read, you blue ticked my messages and many like it.

To help you the best I can, these are a few formulas that work for me. Feel free to try them and let me know how it goes.

Okay. Take care, talk later, gotta go. (For friends, peers or informal instant messaging.)

On this note, I will be wishing you a productive day ahead. Thank you.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Glad to know you are doing well. I was just dropping in virtually to say ‘hi!’ Since it has been a while since we last met or spoke. Do take care.

These formats may get more specific, depending on who is being messaged, but they are variations of the above format.

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Cabrel FOSSO
Cabrel FOSSO
1 year ago

J’apprécie la pensée du fond celle de garder un certains respect pour une catégorie de personnes et de ne pas se laissé allez tous ce que ce siècle nous propose