The 2018, 365 days novel has come to an end, and now joining your life’s encyclopedia. Some pages with a lot on them, others with nothing much and most certainly a few lessons learnt, regardless of how subtile or little they may be. We’ve had people walk into our lives, walk out of it, added a few more names to our contact list, though we don’t even talk to half the people on it. Like I ask myself at the end of every novel, what did I learn? What plus… Read More
Posts in Lifestyle
Did I Grow up or Grow Out?
When you’re a kid, you have one huge expectation; “I can’t wait to grow up so that nobody bosses me round the clock, no one dares to disturb me when my favourite show is on air, thoughtless of sending me on an errand when I’m playing”. The list goes on, and if that was not on your childhood wishlist you sure are one of a kind. I call it the “every child’s dream”. Alongside our childhood comes this unadulterated package of truth and sincerity. Telling that man sitting by you in a restaurant answering… Read More
Let’s get started
The 21st century, era of beauty and glamour, casual yet classy, having the geek and tech guys kind of rule the world. It’s a time of so many possibilities, slumbering is at your own demise, hard work bearing delightful fruits at the end of it all. In the midst of all this evolution, the beauty erected all around us, the turmoil, the smells, the entertainment, do you ever STOP? Quiet the noise all around you and enjoy the moment? Make that weather, that phrase, that look, that smell, that taste,… Read More