Can you remember back in nursery school?
Bag on back and board in arm.
Can you remember the teacher cheering you?
Bravery at your hand in a piece so hard.
You wrote on it time and over again,
From your childish thoughts to your wildest dreams.
Your white piece of chalk tanned it so white,
For wiping never made it as good as new.
But you kept writing and got better at it,
Childish dreams turned to your great achievements today.
By all means it got so white from use on it,
Chalking it up is all you did all day.

You wiped and wrote again,
Continuously getting better by the day.
Not forgetting what you wrote yesterday,
You weren’t afraid to start all over time and over again.
Life is a blackboard on which we write all out dreams.
We trash the junk files and keep the good ones.
We erase old dreams and acquire new ones if need be.
We shouldn’t get tired of wiping and rewriting.
Being tanned all white from chalk doesn’t make us any little or worthless.
But makes us learn and thrive without forgetting yesterday’s shortcomings.
Yesterday’s scars don’t disappear.
You turn them into a beautiful lesson.

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